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If a person has heart valve disease, it’s not uncommon to also experience other conditions or disorders at the same time, including atrial fibrillation and coronary artery disease.  Another disease that can affect patients with heart valve disease is an aortic aneurysm. What is an aortic aneurysm? An aortic aneurysm is when the walls of the aorta (the largest blood vessel in the body) begin to weaken and bulge. This aneurysm can result in a blood leak into the body if it bursts; however not all aortic aneurysms burst. Aortic aneurysms also can force blood away from organs and tissues resulting in heart attacks, kidney damage, stroke, and death.

Bicuspid aortic valve disease is often linked to ascending aortic and aortic root aneurysms. Patients with bicuspid aortic valve disease should also be evaluated for aortic aneurysms.

An aortic aneurysm can appear in the chest (thoracic aortic aneurysm) or in the abdomen (abdominal aortic aneurysm). Chest aneurysms often develop due to genetics, but other causes include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, plaque buildup, or a traumatic injury. With this type of aneurysm, the symptoms are often not present until the aneurysm is large or bursts. Symptoms that a person may experience can include chest pain, back pain, difficulty breathing and/or swallowing, and shortness of breath.

Often, there are no signs of an abdominal aortic aneurysm; however, some people may have back pain, deep pain on the side of the abdomen, or a throbbing sensation near the navel. If this aneurysm bursts, a person can feel sick and vomit, become sweaty, become dizzy, or feel extreme pain in the abdomen or the stomach. Doctors are not certain what causes abdominal aortic aneurysms but some things that may contribute to its development include hardening of the arteries, smoking, high blood pressure, and genetics.

In some cases, aneurysms can actually cause aortic valve disease or dysfunction. How? The aortic root is connected to the aortic valve and the stretching of the root can stretch the valve, which can lead to valve leakage or insufficiency. Patients with aortic aneurysms usually get checked for aortic valve problems, too.

Aneurysms often take years to grow, and they should be taken seriously. To prevent the development of an aneurysm, it’s best to maintain a good blood pressure and to avoid activities and exercise that require intense straining.

If you have an aortic aneurysm and aortic valve disease, talk to a valve specialist to determine a specialized treatment plan for your condition. Dr. Peter Mikhail is a cardiac surgeon who specializes in aortic valve surgery. To book a consult, click here or call 727-312-4844.



Your doctor just told you that you have a calcified heart valve. One of your heart valves is stenotic. You potentially may need it repaired, or completely replaced. What does this exactly mean? How is there calcium build up on my valve? What is a stenotic valve? Is surgery the only option?

Upon being diagnosed with a type of heart valve disease, a lot of questions are probably buzzing around in your head – as they should be. Remember, never hold back from asking your doctor questions. You have just been diagnosed with mitral valve stenosis, which can be a very serious condition if left untreated. So, you should feel the need to ask and learn everything about this disease.

For this article, we address heart valve calcification/mitral valve stenosis to give you an overview of this disease. First, mitral valve disease is when the mitral valve (located between the left atrium and left ventricle heart chambers) is no longer working properly. When the valve isn’t functioning properly, the heart is unable to pump enough blood out of the left ventricular chamber to give the body oxygen-filled blood.  There are different types of mitral valve disease, but for this article, we will focus on mitral valve stenosis (obstruction).

Mitral valve stenosis is when the valve’s opening has narrowed and the valve’s flaps have thickened or stiffened; the flaps may have even fused together, which causes the narrowing or blockage of the valve. When this occurs, blood backs up in the left atrium of the heart instead of flowing to the left ventricle.

When the heart valve becomes calcified, there is a large amount of calcium on the valve, and it has been building up for many years. When the valve becomes calcified, the flaps become stiff and the valve narrows and becomes stenotic. How does this happen? Well, there are a few reasons. Some people’s valves begin to calcify just from age and wear and tear of the valves. Some people are born with congenital valve abnormalities. Some people’s lifestyle choices and history (smoking, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, elevated cholesterol) can lead to calcified valves. Some people’s valves become calcified through atherosclerosis, which is a process that causes arterial blockages in different parts of the body.

A person who has severe stenosis and calcification will experience shortness of breath, chest pain and lightheadedness.

With moderate to severe cases, surgery (valve repair or valve replacement) is usually suggested as the best option to fix the valve and eliminate symptoms. Patients can choose with their doctor whether they want a mechanical or biological heart valve. It’s good to note that even if you get your heart valve repaired or replaced, a biological valve can calcify again.

Unfortunately, there Is no known way to truly prevent the valves from calcifying. However, if a person does have a calcified valve, he or she should be under the watch of a cardiologist, to assess if the valve worsens over time. The cardiologist will most likely want to follow up in 6 months to a year. Treatment, such as surgery, will be suggested when deemed necessary.

Are you suffering from valve stenosis or calcification and looking for a surgeon? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a cardiac surgeon who specializes in performing surgeries on mitral and aortic valves. Dr. Mikhail is based in New Port Richey, FL, and treats patients in the Tampa and Clearwater areas. To book a consult, click here or call 727-312-4844.


Infective endocarditis (also known as IE) is an inflammatory condition that affects the inner lining and valves of the heart. It occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream and settle on damaged heart tissue, weak or abnormal heart valves, or prosthetic valves.

IE is more prevalent among older Americans and men in particular. It affects an estimated four out of every 100,000 people in the U.S., and the number of reported cases appears to be increasing, according to a 10-year study published by the online journal PLOS ONE.

It’s not uncommon for bacteria to enter the bloodstream during certain surgical, routine medical, or dental procedures, and a healthy immune system will fight off the microscopic invaders. However, if they find their way to the heart, those bacteria can accumulate on a damaged heart valve and grow into a mass known as a “vegetation.”

Symptoms of an acute infection, which can become life threatening in a matter of days, include a sudden high fever, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and fatigue. A sub-acute, or gradual infection will present itself with a mild fever, elevated heart rate, fatigue, chills and night sweats, and a low red blood cell count.

Individuals with heart disease and existing heart conditions – such as surgically repaired heart valves and congenital heart defects – have a higher risk of developing IE.

Infection in the heart is commonly detected with an echocardiogram.  A blood culture can determine what type of bacteria is present. Treatment typically involves the use of intravenous antibiotics over a four-to-six-week span.

Oftentimes, doctors will prescribe oral antibiotics to patients prior to a dental procedure, minor surgery, or a colonoscopy as a precautionary measure.

Gingivitis is a known cause of infection, so keeping your mouth clean and healthy, and getting regular dental care are two simple ways to prevent IE. The American Heart Association offers wallet cards in English and Spanish for people who require extra protection from infection.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a cardiac and thoracic surgeon based in New Port Richey, Florida, who treats patients in the Tampa and Clearwater areas. For more information on his practice or to schedule a consultation, visit his mitral valve surgery and AVR site for more information or call 727-312-4844.


Today, we are going to discuss a treatment method for aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation – two serious conditions that affect the heart’s aortic valve – called Mini-AVR.

First, let’s talk about what those conditions are.

Aortic stenosis occurs when the cusps of the aortic valve become abnormally rigid and do not fully open. This narrowing of the valve creates resistance against the pumping of blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body, and if left untreated, it can lead to heart failure.

Typically, this condition is the result of degeneration due to natural aging and health issues and calcium buildup on the valve cusps over time causes them to stiffen.

Aortic regurgitation occurs when the aortic valve allows blood to leak back into the left ventricle. It’s often caused by valve damage due to a recent infection or rheumatic heart disease, or it’s a congenital heart defect you were born with.

The symptoms of both conditions include shortness of breath, chest pain or heaviness, fainting or lightheadedness, decreased physical endurance during exercise, and swelling of the limbs.

The severity of aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation will determine treatment. A Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement, or Mini-AVR, involves the surgical replacement of the aortic valve with a prosthetic valve. Its benefits include less trauma and pain, better cosmetic results, a shorter recovery time, and a potentially lower financial cost.

During Mini-AVR surgery, a small incision is made in the upper chest area, and a cardiopulmonary bypass machine is used to take over functions of the heart and lungs, so that blood continues to flow around the heart and the body’s oxygen levels remain stable. A surgeon will open the aorta (and, if necessary, remove any diseased valve cusps), measure the valve ring, and insert the prosthetic valve.

The surgery typically takes about 2 to 3 hours. Several recent studies have shown that a Mini-AVR procedure is potentially safer than a conventional AVR procedure with a full sternotomy, which calls for much larger incision.

It’s important to talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for aortic valve conditions. In some cases, medication may be effective treatment for aortic regurgitation. However, receiving timely surgery is often advised because a significant delay could lead to congestive heart failure.

Dr. Peter Mikhail is a cardiac and thoracic surgeon based in New Port Richey, Florida, who treats patients in the Tampa and Clearwater areas. For more information on his practice or to schedule a consultation, visit Mitral Valve contact page or call 727-312-4844.


Good fats are good for your heart. Unfortunately, the word “fat” comes with a negative connation in today’s society. When someone hears a food has “fat” in it, he or she assumes the food is “bad,” which isn’t always the case. There are different types of fats in the food we eat. For this blog article, we will focus on the “good” fats, which are known as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are known to lower bad cholesterol levels, lower risk of heart disease, lower risk of stroke, and can also provide the body with the proper, essential fats it needs to function that the body cannot produce on its own.

In fact, consuming healthy fats in your daily diet can potentially give your body the same health benefits as taking a statin drug, according to the American Heart Association. A statin drug is a lipid-lowering medication, which can help reduce people’s risk of heart disease, other cardiovascular conditions, and death.

According to the American Heart Association, polyunsaturated fats can help lower a person’s heart disease risk the best, with monounsaturated fats coming in at second.

Here is a list of some great sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats:


  • Sunflower oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Olive oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Avocados
  • Flaxseed
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Sardines
  • Trout

Diet is extremely important to a person’s heart health. According to the American Heart Association, if a person decreases the amount of saturated fat (“bad” fat) he or she consumes, and increases the polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat intake, he or she can help prevent diseases from forming in the heart and blood vessels.  Saturated fat is known to increase LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels, which can lead to clogged arteries and cardiovascular disease. Overall, the American Heart Association recommends consuming mostly monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, while limiting saturated and trans fats.

If you’ve been diagnosed with heart disease, it’s still in your best interest to consume a healthy diet, rich in vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. You want to keep your heart as healthy as possible. If you’re looking for a cardiac surgeon to treat your condition, Dr. Peter Mikhail specializes in treating patients with mitral valve disease and aortic valve disease. He works in the cities of Tampa, Clearwater and New Port Richey in Florida. To book a consult with Dr. Mikhail, click here or call 727-312-4844.


Have a sweet tooth? Cupcakes. Chocolate. Ice cream. These sweet treats are certainly delicious, but they’re best eaten in moderation. Sugar is the main ingredient that makes these foods extra tasty. Unfortunately, too much of this ingredient is harmful to our bodies, including our heart.

According to a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine in 2014, a diet high in sugar can raise a person’s risk of dying of heart disease. Even if your weight is in a normal range, you can still be at a higher risk because of your sugar-heavy diet.  In this study, people who consumed 17 to 21 percent of their calories from this ingredient had a 38 percent higher chance of dying from heart disease compared to people who only had 8 percent of their calories coming from added sugar. The more sugar a person consumes, the higher the odds are for him or her to die from heart disease.

Most adults in America consume around 22 teaspoons of added sugar in their daily diet, which is well over the recommended amount. According to the American Heart Association, most women should consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar per day, and most men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons of sugar per day.

It’s easy to consume excess sugar in today’s world. Much of the packaged food out there is processed and made with added sugars. Some foods known for their high sugar count include: soft drinks, candy, cakes, cookies, donuts, bagels, fruit drinks, waffles, cereals, sports drinks, ice cream, sweetened yogurt, pies, pastries, and more.

When people consume too much added sugar, they also risk gaining weight, raising their blood pressure, and developing Type 2 diabetes. These high-sugar foods are usually devoid of quality vitamins and minerals, as well.

It’s OK to have these foods in moderation, but for daily sweet cravings opt for fruit instead.

If you currently have heart disease and are looking for a cardiac surgeon, Dr. Peter Mikhail performs mitral valve surgery and aortic valve surgery in the cities of Tampa, Clearwater and New Port Richey in Florida. To book an appointment, click here or call 727-312-4844.


Did you know a painkiller, one that’s probably in your medicine cabinet right now, can increase your risk of heart disease? Scary thought, right? Well, over-the-counter NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) have been proven to increase the risk of heart disease through heart attacks and strokes. Studies have shown a 20 to 50 percent increase in risk of heart attack when using NSAIDs compared to when not using them.

It’s best to take these types of medications in small doses and for a short time so they will not have serious effects on your heart. Don’t become a regular user.

Common NSAIDs you can find in your home include ibuprofen and naproxen, the most common being Advil, Motrin and Aleve. Aspirin is a type of NSAID but not does not increase your chances of having a heart attack or stroke.  All these over-the-counter NSAIDs are used to treat pain and inflammation in the body.

If you currently suffer from any heart condition, you should take NSAIDs with caution, and definitely talk to your doctor about taking them.  For people with heart conditions, NSAIDs can potentially make your conditions worse. You don’t have to stop taking NSAIDs, especially if you’re in a lot of pain, but be mindful of how, when, and why you’re taking them.

Even if you currently don’t have a heart condition, be cautious when taking NSAIDS. If you truly need to take one for pain relief, aim to take the smallest dosage, and not for an extended period.

Studies haven’t proven that NSAIDs cause heart attacks, but some research shows that NSAIDs can increase blood pressure or raise the risk of a blood clot, which can lead to a heart attack.

Even though these NSAIDs are over-the-counter medications, you should be careful with them in the same way you would be with a prescription-level painkiller. Medication is medication, and too much of any kind can do you harm.

If you have heart disease and need surgery on your valves, Dr. Peter Mikhail performs mitral valve surgery and aortic valve surgery in and around Tampa, Clearwater, and New Port Richey, Florida. To book a consult, click here or call 727-312-4844.


Chest Pain. Shortness of breath. Dizziness. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. There could be a chance that you have heart disease. At an appointment with your doctor, he or she will listen to your heart with a stethoscope and make the decision of whether you should be tested for heart disease. Stress tests are one way for doctors to determine if you have heart disease. If you are unable to walk on a treadmill or are on certain medications, the doctor will have you take a nuclear stress test instead of an exercise stress list.

A nuclear stress test will measure blood flow to your heart while at rest, and while your heart works hard from medication administered to you. From this test, a doctor will see images that will determine if you have low blood flow or any damage to the heart muscle itself.

Since you are unable to exercise, a radioactive dye will be administered into your bloodstream. This will speed up your heart rate to mimic exercise. Doctors will also suggest a nuclear stress test if you have coronary artery disease, or if an exercise stress test didn’t explain any of your negative symptoms.

During this test, a camera will see rays emitted from the dye in your body, which will create clear pictures of the heart and its tissue. The doctor will look at images while your heart is at rest, during and after exercise (elevated heart rate from dye). The test could take up to five hours as the blood needs to make its way through your body.

For a nuclear stress test, a patient cannot eat or drink or smoke for two hours prior. A doctor will determine on a case by case basis if you can or cannot take certain medications and consume caffeine before the test. Patients are asked to wear comfortable clothes and shoes.  After the test is done, the dye will leave your body through your urine or stool.

The results will determine the doctor’s next course of action. If the results show you have heart valve disease, there is a chance you will have to undergo heart valve surgery. If you’re looking for a cardiac surgeon, Dr. Peter Mikhail performs heart valve surgery, specializing in mitral valve surgery and mini-AVR. To learn more, click the heart valve surgery page. Click here to book an appointment with Dr. Mikhail or call 727-312-4844.


The aortic valve is vital to the proper functioning and regulation of blood flow from the heart. As a one-way valve, it conducts blood flow from the left ventricle of the heart to the all-important aorta, which is the largest artery in the human body. In a properly functioning aortic valve, the flaps that regulate the blood flow close so that no blood makes its way back into the ventricle of the heart. Failure of the flaps to close properly can create problems that can lead to a need for valve replacement surgery.

Any type of heart surgery sounds like a very serious and very scary prospect. However, aortic valve replacement can be a minimally invasive procedure that will replace the faulty valve with an artificial valve that properly functions and closes. Any type of condition that causes the valve to stop functioning and lets blood flow back into the ventricle is something that must be addressed or a whole host of other issues can result.

Sometimes, this is a problem that can be corrected by certain medications. However, this is not something that is effective in every case, leading to the need for other types of treatment. Using a procedure called a mini-aortic valve replacement, you can be on the mend in no time, with no need for super invasive surgical procedures.

With mini-aortic replacement, often called Mini-AVR, a 3- to 4-inch incision in the chest is all that is needed for the doctor to perform the corrective procedure. By going through the upper portion of the breast bone or chest wall this reduces the amount of scar tissue and size of the area affected by the surgery – which reduces both down time and recovery time. This procedure could not only save your life, but will have you back doing your normal routine before you know it.

Mini-AVR is a safe and effective way to treat a variety of different problems with the aortic valve. The aortic valve is an incredibly important element of the heart. With this type of surgery, you can be back in action in no time.

Do you currently suffer from aortic valve disease? Dr. Peter Mikhail is a cardiac surgeon who specializes in Mini-AVR. He will meet with you to discuss if you are a good candidate for this type of procedure based on your medical history, current condition, lifestyle and symptoms. To book an appointment with Dr. Mikhail, click here or call 727-312-4844. To learn more, click the Mini-AVR page.


Heart valve surgery is a major life event. If you are planning on this surgery, you are most likely well-versed in the ins and outs of what you’ll be experiencing during pre-operation and post-operation. After the surgery, your focus will be on healing and getting your life back to normal. Whether you were an active person or not before the heart valve surgery, exercise will be crucial to your healing process. Exercise is just one great way to help prevent your heart from having a major issue again.

Exercise is recommended and encouraged after heart valve surgery. Since you’ll be in recovery, there will be more precautions to keep in mind. Your body just went through the major trauma of surgery, so it’s important to ease into exercise to prevent injury or complications.

When you first get home from the hospital after surgery, it is recommended that you slowly increase the amount of activity you do. In the first week, you want to do around 5 minutes of exercise several times throughout the day. As each week passes, you’ll increase the activity time. This type of activity could be just a slow walk around the neighborhood.

As you heal, you will be in contact with your cardiac surgeon; he or she will tell you when you’re cleared for certain types of exercises, including aerobic activities and weight training. If you were active pre-op, your doctor understands your urgency to get back to normal as soon as possible, and will work with you to make sure you are stable (no shortness of breath or heart rhythm issues) before approving you for physical activities.

Every patient is different. The doctor will ask you to take it easy with any exercise you start and will want you to monitor how you feel after each exercise and workout. Make sure to tell the doctor what types of exercise you plan to do. The clearance for weight training may be different from biking or walking, due to the exercise’s effects on the body. It makes no difference to the doctor what type of exercise you choose, as long as you do it safely.

If you’re looking for a cardiac surgeon to perform your mitral valve surgery or mini-AVR, Dr. Peter Mikhail specializes in these surgeries; he is based in New Port Richey, Florida. To learn more, click the Mitral Valve Surgery page or the MINI-AVR page. To book an appointment, click here or call 727-312-4844.



Dr. Peter Mikhail is a thoracic and cardiac surgeon in Tampa, Clearwater, and New Port Richey, Florida. Dr. Mikhail is Board Certified by the American Board of Surgery, The American Board of Thoracic Surgery and The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

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